I’m continuing the series that spun off Teilhard’s Universe.
ONGOING: Floating ink images (suminagachi) photoshopped to represent the evolution of natural processes.
NEW: Animations of the images in Universe. It is after all, a snapshot of Time from beginning to end.
Still images below. The animations are still a work in progress, and will follow over the next weeks as Gowanus approaches.
To see the storyboards, go to my Instagram page
artsPSWT/GOS is at Two Sites
King Killer Studios - 69 2nd Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
Carol Adams, Stacy Bergener, Lloyd Campbell, Steve Ettlinger, Alice Garik, Rich Garr, Alise Lobelsohn, Darcy Lynn, Tom Nau, Joyce Riley, Cynthia Ruse, Cindy Zaglin
Ossam Gallery - 300-302 7th Street, Brooklyn, NY
Avi Abraham Ulman, Lynn Cole, Tom Keough, Susan Newmark, Ronnie May Painter, John Paul, Paula Rennis