Book of Eve: Let My People Go
After doing Gowanus Open Studios with Howard Skrill, it struck me that Eve could be the hero of an ongoing series. Hmm, and you know who could always be the villain. They’re all the same. The Banality of Evil Personified.
Eve escapes with her people, because she trusts the wall of waters, Pharaoh gets his just deserts and drowns.
No problem.
Book of Eve: 10 Commandments/Golden Idol
In this episode. Eve climbs Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments. She returns to find her people have reverted to worshiping the Canaanite Golden Calf. She destroys the idol. Hey wait was that a live person? Do the First Commandment and the Fifth conflict? No it’s ok, because God said it was. Hmm.
Then “revert? Didn’t the Israelites escape from Egypt? There were multiple tribes so likely some of them began as Canaanites. But then what’s with the Invading Cana story?
It’s FAKE NEWS. Find out in the next episode.